ASA Releases New IFR Oral Exam Guide

This edition has new and expanded content for the pilot to apply during preflight, and discussion of the departure, en route, and arrival phases of instrument flight.

Meg Godlewski

Updated Jun 7, 2024 10:40 AM EDT

The 11th edition of the ‘Instrument Pilot Oral Exam Guide’ is now available from Aviation Supplies and Academics (ASA). [Courtesy: Meg Godlewski]

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Are you working on your instrument rating? You'll want to get the latest edition of The Instrument Pilot Oral Exam Guide from Aviation Supplies and Academics (ASA) written by Jason Blair, a DPE and frequent contributor to FLYING.

ASA has been helping pilots achieve certification for decades. The Instrument Pilot Oral Exam Guide, now in its 11th edition, is arranged by topic, and provides a question-and-answer format very similar to the way the oral portion of the checkride is presented.

Blair aligns the guide with the Airman Certification Standards (ACS) that went into effect May 31, 2024.

This edition has new and expanded content for the pilot to apply during the preflight, and discussion of the departure, en route, and arrival phases of instrument flight. There is an increase in application of scenario-based training, along with additional study material for Instrument Instructor (CFII) candidates. There's also guidance for instrument proficiency checks (IPC) which to be effective, should be much more than shooting approaches.

The Instrument PilotOral Exam Guide can be found at pilot supply shops, online retailers or at