Jailhouse Lawyer's Handbook 6th Edition By Center For Constitutional Rights (2021)

Publication date 2021 Usage Attribution-NoDerivs 4.0 InternationalCreative Commons License Topics Know Your Rights Collection opensource Language English Item Size 190.9M

This handbook is a free resource for people in prison who wish to file a federal lawsuit addressing poor conditions in prison or abuse by prison staff. It also contains limited general information about the United States legal system. This handbook is available for free to anyone: prisoners, families, friends, activists, lawyers and others. We hope that you find this handbook helpful, and that it provides some aid in protecting your rights behind bars. Know that those of us on the outside are humbled and inspired by the incredible work so many of you do to protect your rights and dignity while inside. As you work your way through a legal system that is often frustrating and unfair, know that you are not alone in your struggles for justice.

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