Where is the Policy Number on Anthem Insurance Card

If you are covered by a health insurance plan, of course you have a unique ID number that allows healthcare providers and staff to verify coverage and arrange payment for services. Also, this number health insurers use to look up members and answer questions regarding claims and benefits.

The Location of the Policy Number on Anthem Insurance Card

Need to know that the Policy number should be the Member ID number on your insurance card. This Policy number is always on the front of the insurance card. If you are the policyholder, the last two digits in your Policy number probably be 00, while others on the policy number might have numbers ending in 01, 02, etc.

Where is the Policy Number on Anthem Insurance Card

So, the location of the Policy number on Anthem insurance card is on the front of the card. You are going to see the Policy number easily. Your health care provider will be able to utilize the Policy number to verify your coverage and eligibility. Aside from that, you will be able to give your Policy number to your health insurance company to make them able to look up your information when you have any question about your benefits or claims.

If you have family members who are listed on your insurance plan, then they are going to have their own policy number that is used for identification purposes and billing procedures. Remember that your policy number is what identifies you as a covered person under your current or previous plans. Of course, it is very important. If you get married, change jobs or divorced, your Policy number will need to match your new situation. Also, if you move out of the state, then your policy number will need to set where you live.

How to Use Your Anthem Insurance Card?

Your Anthem insurance card contains all the crucial information you need for using your health insurance. As a Medicare member, when you sign up for an Anthem plan, they are going to send you an Anthem ID card in the mail. For other kinds of members, they are going to send you an ID card unless you or your employer have selected digital ID cards. Also, all registered members are able to access Anthem ID digitally when you download the SydneySM Health application or log in to your Anthem account. Please use this Anthem insurance card when you go to the doctor, hospital, or pharmacy so that they are able to look up your insurance information.

Your Anthem Digital ID Card

With a digital ID card, you will never have to search for your member ID card as it is always available on your mobile device or PC. You are able to share it with your doctor via email, fax, or by download. Of course, it is convenient. You are able to be confident that your health plan information and details are always up to date.